Last activity: 16 Jan 2018 7:32 EST
Survey Rule - Text Area + Radio Buttons per question.
Hi everyone,
I want to get the following behavior for my survey but I can't find a way to do this with any OOTB functionality of this rule.
I want that, per each question, I can add a comment AND a score at the same time in my survey (See attachment: Quest01).
What I was using is a custom section, but with this approach the other answers get overridden when I re-use that section on the other questions. It just stores 1 answer and 1 comment and that's added on the parent page Trainer(<CURRENT>) instead of adding each of the answers on the question page (Which is what it does with the OOTB functionality).
The class ...-Data-Employee is where I have the survey rule, QuestionPage, Questions and the properties that are storing my answers.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
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