WebSphere Liberty Configuration deployment question.
Hello! I'm looking to deploy a Pega application to WAS Liberty. For Liberty, you need to setup a jvm.options file. In that file, you specify the -DNodeType, and -Dindex.directory, -Didentification.nodeid, etc. On a single JVM and single server, that is easy to do.
My question is - how do you setup the jvm.options file when you have multiple jvms on a server (or across multiple servers)? I need to have the jvms horizontally and vertically clustered. The node types will vary and not every jvm is going to have a search directory. Each JVM needs its own nodeid so you can identify them on the PDC as hash values not not helpful.
I'm coming from a WebSphere 8.5.5 background where you can specify the JVM parameters in the WAS Console. This is not so with Liberty, so perhaps there is a different option(s) to set this up.