Pega Survey-Text Area + Radio Buttons per question in each question page
I want to get the following behavior for my survey but I can't find a way to do this with any OOTB functionality of this rule.
I want that, per each question, I can add a comment AND a score at the same time in my survey (See attachment:).
I have found same query in other thread where they ahve provide solution as-Complex question table type can be used for this scenario. But by default text area option is not available in table type question, you can only choose between text input, radio, dropdown and dynamic select. For styling purposes, 'ComplexQuestionUltimateTableTemplate' section can be overridden.
But it is not allowing to add table type quetion in survey.I am using pega V8.1.
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***