
Last activity: 7 Aug 2023 10:34 EDT
Status Page Display after closing sub window.
I have upgraded our application from 8.3 to 8.5. There is a facility to search for an employer & then open up a new tab to display particular employer details. And there is a menu option to do various other actions. Once you select an option from the menu, pop up a new window to add a description, and then the user can submit it. after submitted, the window is closed and it navigates to the previous employer details tab view. but after 8.5 upgrades I can see a different view by given Pega. it displays "Success The operation completed successfully".Images of the expected screen and actual screen are attached in the cloud link.
Shared link: Images Regarding scenario
for this scenario I have traced. In the results, the DoUIAction Parameters do not populate to page.
Tracers: Tracer
Could you please help me regarding the issue. thank you.