
Tata Consultancy Services Limited
Last activity: 17 Apr 2017 3:56 EDT
Smart dispute 7.2 user manual guide
Dear All,
I am working in upgrade project for smart dispute and PEGA 6.3 has been upgraded to 7.2.
I can see few functionalities/features has been added in 7.2 (Ex: Quick create case, Add multiple disputes to case etc.).We would like to know the list of new functionalities has been added to this 7.2 for financial services smart dispute.
As we have been asked by customer to explain the new functional features added into 7.2.
Could you anyone share the user manual for smart dispute 7.2 for issuers??This guide will help us to compare with 6.3 user guide and understand the new functionalities in Pega 7.2 smart dispute.
Thank you in advance!
Regards, Manikandan Madhu
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