Show SmartInfo and Show SmartTip actions not working properly for Action Set Hover and Focus in 7.3.1
We are trying to implement an action set for events 'Hover' or 'Focus' which will call either Show SmartTip or Show SmartInfo. Neither of these are working in our action set. For Show SmartTip,we are passing a section as the parameter and for Show SmartInfo we are passing in a message and format. We were configuring this for a Text Area and also attempted it in text fields and dropdowns and none of those UI elements worked. Additionally, this did not work in IE or Chrome when testing, so the issue does not seem to be browser specific.
The Text Area field, section, and flow action that we are trying to configure are all in our Data class which is an extension of our Framework level Work class. For example, it would be MyOrg-FW-MyAPPFW-Data-WC1 which is extended from MyOrg-FW-MyAPPFW-Work-WC1 where the specific case type we are configuring this for would be WC1. I have attached a screenshot of our action set configuration as well. Thanks!