
Last activity: 5 Nov 2018 10:01 EST
Hover Inside a Repeating Dynamic Layout Section is not showing proper Information
Hi Team,
Our PageList Structure is .A().B(). So its a page List inside A page List. Now
We are using a Repeating Dynamic Layout On Page List A() and on that repeating section using an Icon say "Star" to display the PageList B Information on hover, We are displaying that by created a Local Action/Section and in that section Referred the Page List B.
Now the Index of the first page List Say A() is not getting passed properly. Hence the data which are displaying on hover is always showing .A(1).B() data . which is not fitting the purpose.
Please let me know how to resolve the issue .
Thanks In Advance.
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***