
Sensiple Software Solutions
Last activity: 11 Jan 2018 4:49 EST
Sending multiple correspondence to different operators in a flow
My requirement is to send three different correspondence, based on some conditions to three different operators in my application.
By using send email smart shape I'm able to send only one correspondence to a Work party or Email address.
So Is there any approach for this scenario with OOTB rule or Do I need to create custom activity?!
Kindly Help me with the above.
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Accepted Solution

Sensiple Software Solutions
I've configured a send email smartshape and specified a correspondence rule for one operator.
Then I added one more send email smartshape and specified Party role as Owner (So that I can send to different operators who initiated the work object).
After that created a correspondence rule for one operator and circumstanced that rule based on pxCreateOpName property.(Here based on the circumstanced property the two different correspondence will be sent).

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Santosh,
Which Pega version are you using? I can see the Add recipient link in the SendEmail utility in Pega 7.3 which i tested.

Pegasystems Inc.
If you are in the previous version then you can write an activity and call Work-CorrNew activity which takes the To_PartyRoles parameter[Comma-delimited list of party-specific roles for To field (in addition to the Target party)]. Hope this might help you to achieve your requirement.

Sensiple Software Solutions
Hi Mahesh,
I'm using Pega 7.2.1.It doesnt have Add recipient link option.

Pegasystems Inc.
In this case you can try with CorrNew activity which i had suggested above Santosh.

EPAM Systems, Inc.
Adding to Mahesh,
You can have a when rule calling "CorrNew" activity based on your condition for different sets of email recipients.

Ncs Pte Ltd
Create Decision Table with operators and correspondence logic. Call this in an activity and set correspondence name in a parameter and use Property-set-corr in next step and pass this parameter to set Corrstream.
Mrudula Jahnavi Rohit Singh

Sensiple Software Solutions
Can you provide me with detailed steps?!
Accepted Solution

Sensiple Software Solutions
I've configured a send email smartshape and specified a correspondence rule for one operator.
Then I added one more send email smartshape and specified Party role as Owner (So that I can send to different operators who initiated the work object).
After that created a correspondence rule for one operator and circumstanced that rule based on pxCreateOpName property.(Here based on the circumstanced property the two different correspondence will be sent).