
Last activity: 7 Apr 2021 15:14 EDT
Send emails multiple people (emails are in a list)
Hi all,
I have emails on a list and I want to send emails with corrospondence to all the mail-ids available in the List and I want to do this with the help of an activity, please guide me .
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****
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Piyush Tiwari -
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Pegasystems Inc.
Have you seen this conversation:

Thanks for the reply.
But I tried by loop through the pagelist in activity and call SendSimpleEmail activity on each page and passing required properties on the page inside pagelist to SendSimpleEmail.
but the main problem is the mail is sent to either one of the records, one at the first or last.
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
You can use OOTB activity "SendEmailNotification" by passing the multiple email ids as comma-separated value as a parameter.
Please find the below article for more details.

Thanks for the reply.
But I tried by loop through the pagelist in activity and call SendSimpleEmail activity on each page and passing required properties on the page inside pagelist to SendSimpleEmail.
but the main problem is the mail is sent to either one of the records, one at the first or last.
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Could you please share the screenshot of the activity configuration if possible, it would be helpful.

Accenture Federal Services
Agree with Kanap2. Screenshots of the loop would be helpful. Sounds like the loop is not setup in a way to deliver the desired result.


Accenture Federal Services
Thanks for the attachment.
Looks like it should work. I would just double check when running it on tracer that the OperatorListPage.pxResults is being populated from the obj-browse.
If that looks solid, look at step 5.4 when you call the send simple email. Add a step before to set the value you are passing through as the email address on a param, so, you can see it on unnamed page on your clipboard. Make sure it is passing unique values for each loop when running on tracer.
If those two things are correct, individual email should be sending out properly unless there is an exception error or fail that tracer should pick up.
Good luck.

@NuwanD54 could u pls tell us how u defined souce nd target properties over the loop.
I'm unable to send email to multiple mail ids at time (sourced through datarecords).
could u pls reference screenshots if possible,,
Thanks in advance

Pegasystems Inc.
This is an older post that doesn't have any recent activity. It would be best if you wrote a new Question asking your question. That would allow us to keep track of it and reach out to our SMEs.
Let the Moderation Team know if you have any questions.
Thank you!

Hi Nuwan,
You can pass comma separated list paramerter to SendSimpleEmail activity.
Convert list into string of comma separated list
pass that string in "To" parameter.
Hope this helps
Michael Blust Pranjali Kulkarni
