Screen flow continues to next screen when current screen has property set message.
Pega Version: 8.7
Scenario: Screen in screen flow, need to validate property value and set error message. while errors is displayed on screen user should not be able to continue to next screen (click on continue and proceed) until expected values are entered.
Implementation :
Our case type is temporary case, We have screen flow with 4 screens (not configured: Save on last step and allow errors). in 1st screen , on change of a property value we refresh section and run data transform to validate the property value and set property set message. which is working as expected.
but while the error is on the screen can navigate to the next screen when click on continue button.
Note: default property required validation is working as expected , when required validation is there cannot continue to next screen.
We have tried with validate rule in flow action and running the same validate data transform rule mentioned in above using post processing data transform rule ( which is error can be seen in the clipboard only , screen is hanged )
would be great if any suggestions on this, Thanks !
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***