
Last activity: 14 Jan 2016 16:56 EST
Submitting the parent window (screen flow) to move to the next screen
I have a scenario where I launch a URL in a new window. On submitting the new window launched, I am trying to submit the parent window ( which is a screen flow) so that it goes to the next screen.
I am trying to achieve it through the following -
The above line of code works for a process flow. On analysis I found that the form tag for the process flow and screen flow are different -
Process flow:
I checked the button code of continue for the screen flow which is as follows -
<button title="Go to the next screen" class="pzhc" type="button" data-click="[["setUserStart",["FINISHASSIGNMENT"]],["doFormSubmit",["pyActivity=FinishAssignment",":this","Submitting...",":event"]]]" data-ctl="">
Do I need to include something like the above line of code for me to submit my parent window (from the new window) to go to the next screen?