
Deutsche Telecom AG
Last activity: 5 Dec 2024 10:40 EST
SAP Elements not recognized after update
after updating Pega Robot Studio to version 22.1.28 most of my SAP elements are not matched anymore, although as you can see in the printscreen attached the match rule looks good, also if I use replace and try to interogate again the same object it does not work.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Case tags INC-B22737***
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add GOAL-29441 SAP 8.x x64 Support ***
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 5 Dec 2024 10:40 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@ThomasSasnett @AndreiN16802781 INC-B22737 was closed as the Robotics for CS version with the fix is now available:
Product extended Robotics to be able to connect with SAP 8 64bit.
Please install Robot studio release v22.1.41 which is now available

Pegasystems Inc.
@AndreiN16802781 I do see a few orphaned controls in your hierarchy that I would like to look at. I would suggest opening a support request (and if you do, please post the INC here) as this is likely something that can be resolved with access to your application. I suspect either something has changed with your application, or there was an ambiguous match issue in your 19.1 (I assume when you mentioned update you were coming from 19.1 and not an earlier build of 22.1, although please correct me if that in inaccurate) project that you never addressed as it did not affect anything.
I do have a few questions that might help.
- Can you perform interrogation in 19.1 from this same machine?
- If so, can you show me the Targets in 19.1 and the same list in 22.1?
Updated: 29 May 2024 6:23 EDT

Deutsche Telecom AG
@ThomasSasnett sorry for not mentioning but it was an update from 22.1 earlier version.
Do you think it may be caused by an SAP update?
Later edit: Apparently SAP updated from 32 bit to 64 bit version, do you think there is a workaround to adapt the project to this new version?

Pegasystems Inc.
@AndreiN16802781 If SAP has changed, you may need to re-interrogate. I would start with the first control that isn't matching and determine why. Perhaps the properties you are using to match are now slightly different. You can do this by re-interrogating the controls and comparing them to the old ones.
Updated: 30 May 2024 4:18 EDT

Deutsche Telecom AG
@ThomasSasnettI see there is a difference on how the target type is identified by Pega Robot Studio. The new one is identified as OpenSpan.Adapters.Windows.Targets.Control and the old one was seen as OpenSpan.Adapters.SAP.Targets.SapToolbarTarget. Check attached images.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AndreiN16802781It would be more helpful is to see what the actual control properties are. Once you select a control in the Targets section, you can view its properties in the Properties window. I suppose you don't have access to the old SAP version, but that might help you identify what has changed with SAP. In this case, it appears as though the controls are not identified as SAP controls. Can you check your factories and see if any of the SAP ones are not "matched".
Updated: 31 May 2024 5:07 EDT

Deutsche Telecom AG
@ThomasSasnett I don't have access to old SAP version, some of the controls are not identified as SAP controls. Why is that? As you can see the parent SAP Home is recognized, the properties are the same for Old and New toolbar controls and when I click show unmatched and select the control from the list the properties match. Do you think it may be an issue with Pega Robot Studio not being able to recognize some elements from SAP 64 bit version?
PS: I attached printscreens from factories and from controls properties.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AndreiN16802781I believe the best course is to look at this with support if you cannot confirm that things have changed within SAP. One thing I do not ice though is that you are using a ControlID match rule for the toolbar control. What is the Control ID that it is looking for? If that control ID is a random number, it may have changed between versions. I generally do not use this match rule unless the control ID is something the developer of the application (in this case SAP) intentionally named (i.e. the Control ID is "Toolbar" or "AccountNum" or otherwise references the control by name).

Deutsche Telecom AG
@ThomasSasnett I understand, I was just trying different combinations of matching rules, I also created a new project just to test how Pega Robot Studio identifies elements in the new version and there is an issue with how the target type is identified for most of them. It no longer sees the elements as part of SAP class, they are identified as OpenSpan.Adapters.Windows.Targets.Control..

Pegasystems Inc.
@AndreiN16802781 Interesting. It seems that SAP has changed more than just a few items then. I would suggest opening a support request to see if this is a supported version (or perhaps one that can be supported). If all you are seeing are generic controls, then it would be tough to work with. If you have accidentally disabled the SAP factory, that might be something to look at, but that would have been really hard to do accidentally.
Please let us know the INC when you have one.

Pegasystems Inc.
@AndreiN16802781 @ThomasSasnett I see that support issue ·INC-B22737 has been logged for this.
Please update this post with the final outcome.

Pegasystems Inc.
@MarijeSchillern It looks like this might require development effort to support the newer version of SAP. If anyone else is using this version or planning to, please let us know.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 5 Dec 2024 10:40 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@ThomasSasnett @AndreiN16802781 INC-B22737 was closed as the Robotics for CS version with the fix is now available:
Product extended Robotics to be able to connect with SAP 8 64bit.
Please install Robot studio release v22.1.41 which is now available