
Tech Mahindra
Last activity: 16 Jan 2018 8:23 EST
Unable to identify selected element after refresh
I have interrogated all elements required in a page but when i refresh page or start execution its gives error stating could not identify the control
even when i tried to highlight also its not working for some shopping sites
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Vijay,
Can you please elaborate the issue? Which elements are you taking about?
Also please share some screen prints describing the issue.

Tech Mahindra
Hi Shret
Here I attached doc file with screen shots of my interrogation
Please help me in solving this

Pegasystems Inc.
is the control above it in the hierarchy matching? Matching will only be attempted if the parent controls are matched.

Tech Mahindra
I dont know about hierarchy matching
Please explain about that
how to identify that the selected element supports hierarchy matching

Pegasystems Inc.
Hierarchy is the order from top to bottom (children versus parents) that the controls are in. For example, in a web page, a hyperlink would be underneath a Page control (or perhaps a form). You need to make sure that all of a control's parents (and their parents etc.) match.

Westpac Banking Corporation
I think the web page values are changing dynamically so you have to check match rule properties and change accordingly.
Don't remove default match rules but you can modify them.


Tech Mahindra
I removed URL and I am going with index and html text match rules
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