
A Dutch Bank
Last activity: 16 Jan 2019 5:49 EST
Rule "JNDI Server" > Test Connectivity says ClassNotFound. How to add the jar file?
Hi All,
I wonder if anybody can help here.
Problem: when hitting button: "Test Connectivity" on a newly built "JNDI Server" rule; Pega says: "ClassNotFound". See printscreen. The logs say no more than that.
I tried changing
>Pega 8.1 Menu Configure>System>Operations>
Hi All,
I wonder if anybody can help here.
Problem: when hitting button: "Test Connectivity" on a newly built "JNDI Server" rule; Pega says: "ClassNotFound". See printscreen. The logs say no more than that.
I tried changing
>Pega 8.1 Menu Configure>System>Operations>
>Compiler Tab; Setting: Default Path
I tried changing that to: D:\OHome\wlserver\server\lib\weblogic.jar
But it continues to give me ClassNotFound, even after server reboot.
Is this the right way to add an external jar? Am I missing something?
This link here:
Says I should also I should put it in common\lib directory for my weblogic. I did it. But it continues not to work.
I also added under: D:\OHome\user_projects\domains\base_domain\lib
Even because there was a readme.txt there saying it was where external jars would go. I guess this is where the documentation originally intended it to go. And it continued not to work.
It continues not to work after a restart. I am sure there must be somebody running JNDI there, even with Pega 8.1 and Weblogic.
Can anybody shed some light here? This is taking far too long.
Regards, Andre' Cesta