Last activity: 27 May 2016 4:35 EDT
Importing Jar File for Connect-Java
I am trying to import a Jar files that has some libraries in it.
After import when I try to run connector wizard it show Classnotfound error.
The class it specifies is in one of the libraries .
Pega 7.1.7
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rasaiya,
How are you?
Do you see these custom jar files/ classes in pr_engineclasses?
Kindly restart server once after importing these jars.
Hi Arvind
I am good, How are you ?
Yes I can see the jar files that are created in my application in pr_engineclasses
But the depended jar entries in pr_engineclasses have pzclass has jar file name, but the package details are null.
And because of these the classes in depended jar are not accessible
Pegasystems Inc.
so your jars are culprit? Have you figured out yourself?
Updated: 20 Apr 2016 8:10 EDT
When I ran the standalone jars they are working on any system with Java comiler.
I think pega is not extracting these dependent jars.
May be there is a way to tell pega to extract them.
Is there are a way to import multiple jars? That way I can import all the dependent jar at once.
I have imported my jar files into application ruleset, in latest version
Pegasystems Inc.
in general, you need to be careful when importing a lot of custom jars as they can easily conflict with some OOTB jars. I would recommend include your jars in the app server classpath as the first option. What is your app server?
Is there ay way where we can place all the depended jar in server and provide a classpath somewhere in pega ?
So that it references the jar files for class resolution
Pegasystems Inc.
first option: reference the jars at the app server level - clean no conflict with pega OOTB jars.
second option: import jars into pega database, sometime this can cause class conflict pending on what jars are imported.
future: introduce namespace for class loading so that no conflict happens - this can be an enhancement request if not already filed.
For first option what are the step? and also
Is there something like class path, the way we do in java?
including the library details in the classpath
Pegasystems Inc.
don't think so. The first option is standard practice for all app servers (Websphere, shared lib; jboss eap use custom modules, etc). If you need detailed help, create a SR with GCS. Someone can walk you through step-by-step.
Thanks for the reply, If I choose second option, I need to upload 357 jar files.
Is there any way to upload them at one go?
If nothing works will go for first option by raising a SR
Pegasystems Inc.
check this link: Re: Importing multiple ruleset zip files to multiple db environments using prpcUtils scripts
But I am curious why you need to import so many jars into pega, the chances are some of your jars will be conflicting with pega. You should also use a unique codeset name so that if something is wrong (you could break some OOTB functionality in the worst case scenario) so that you can delete those jars with certainty. To use your own code set, need to create a DSS:
check this link: Re: Importing multiple ruleset zip files to multiple db environments using prpcUtils scripts
But I am curious why you need to import so many jars into pega, the chances are some of your jars will be conflicting with pega. You should also use a unique codeset name so that if something is wrong (you could break some OOTB functionality in the worst case scenario) so that you can delete those jars with certainty. To use your own code set, need to create a DSS:
with value 06-01-01
Updated: 22 Apr 2016 4:48 EDT
Cool .
Actually it is a bigger application by itself, So the depended jars sums up to 357.
Will it be ok to use the application ruleset for the import instead of default Customer.?
If any thing goes wrong will delete the corresponding rulesetversion
Pegasystems Inc.
that is exactly what I suggested. As a side note, you may want to reconsider your design approach how to integrate pega with your java applications. Do they have to be so tightly coupled with pega, considering using REST service to expose some of the features from your applications if possible. I do not know your specific use cases, but want to bring it up and a thought for your team.
Seems good to deploy my application separately and then use rest service to connect to it from pega. Will share with my team.
Is there a way to move the jarof pr_engineclasses to other environment ? Like we do rulesetversion export/import? How?
How do we export data/jar present in pr_engineclasses to other environment ? Apart from command line utility Is there any other way to do the import of such instance ?
Pegasystems Inc.
For your own custom codesets, you can use export wizard to export as part of RAP.
Will try and share the outcome