Routing from Spin Off Flow to main flow with the deletion of main flow Assignment
Hi I've an scenario,
I've a flow called Interview Flow with 2 Assignments and another Sub Process called Background Check Flow (spin off).
In Interview Flow Process, we've 2 Assignment shapes will be done by TR People. And the Spin off process in between these 2 Assignment shapes will be done by Background People.
Here the scenario is,
TR Operator has done and submitted the TR Round-1 Assignment and now the main flow is splitted into flows:
1. BackgroundCheck Flow by Background People and
2. And parallely, TR Round-2 will be done by same TR Operator who has done the TR Round-1.
Now my requirement is,
In BackgroundCheck Flow, whenever Background Check Operator rejects the Application, the case should be routed to TR Round-1 assignment with the same TR guy who has done previously and TR Round-2 Assignment should be deleted. So, that TR Operator will only have one Assignment reg this case in his WorkList.
Any suggestions please..!