
Last activity: 21 Oct 2015 7:17 EDT
is spin off Flow really parallel process as PEGA says?
Hi ,
Scenario :
Main flow and Spin Off flow both created assignments but user can perform action on only one assignment at a time as user gets lock on work object, then what is the meaning of parallel process , can anybody please explain.
Sudeerkumar Munaga
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Pegasystems Inc.
In answer to your question in the title - Yes, a spin-off flow really is parallel processing. See this help reference for more on the processing: https://community.pega.com/sites/default/files/help_v71/procomhelpmain.htm
You are correct that in parallel processing, with multiple assignements, only one assignment can be worked on at a time. In PRPC that behavior is defined as "default locking" - would only allow one user to update a work object at a time.
There is a new feature in PRPC 7 that is called "optimistic locking". It will allow more than one user to access the same work object at the same time. If more than one user has accessed the same work object and opened it, who's work will get saved? From the help:
"Optimistic Locking — Enables multiple users to open and review or work on a single case at the same time. When the first user submits the updates, other users are notified that the case has been updated when they attempt to commit their updates. Those users can either:
In answer to your question in the title - Yes, a spin-off flow really is parallel processing. See this help reference for more on the processing: https://community.pega.com/sites/default/files/help_v71/procomhelpmain.htm
You are correct that in parallel processing, with multiple assignements, only one assignment can be worked on at a time. In PRPC that behavior is defined as "default locking" - would only allow one user to update a work object at a time.
There is a new feature in PRPC 7 that is called "optimistic locking". It will allow more than one user to access the same work object at the same time. If more than one user has accessed the same work object and opened it, who's work will get saved? From the help:
"Optimistic Locking — Enables multiple users to open and review or work on a single case at the same time. When the first user submits the updates, other users are notified that the case has been updated when they attempt to commit their updates. Those users can either:
- Close his or her case without submitting the changes
- Refresh the form to see the other user's updates before submitting their own updates. Users cannot commit changes without using the review option."
Additional reference links:
More on optimistic locking in case designer help:
Pega Academy Support Team

Pegasystems Inc.

Hi ,
Parallel process doesn't mean that two users can work at a time on different assignments for the same work object .
Spin Off flow is an independent process where an user can perform on the assignment any time but not when another user is performing on the main flow assignment.
Spin Off flow user can work only when the case is not acquired by any user.
If you are using Pega 7 V then there is an option called Optimistic Locking which would enable users to work at a time on different assignments for the same case.
Optimistic locking in V7 only minimises the chances of lock not being able to acquire. This is due to the reason the lock will be held on a case ONLY during the submission of the assignment.

Virtusa Corp.
Parallel processing doesn't mean that the spin off assignment can be worked when the main work object is being worked by another user, you can use assign this spin off process to any other work basket and can be worked by any other agent for further processing if the main case is not being worked by any user.

In case of split-join if the same assignment is being updated, as per PDN: If we observe at mircosecond level its not parallel processing but assignment getting updated one after the other flows.

The main use of spin-off is to trigger a subflow (same work object or can be a different work object) and main work object can continue in the process without waiting for the subflow completion like in split-join or split-for-each. Ideally no two users can update the same work object same time, this will ensures the data integrity.