Last activity: 10 Apr 2018 0:08 EDT
Returning back to parent case from child case
How to configure to come back to parent case after resolving child case , when one more stage is left to be completed in parent case.
We created a child case and it is working properly but not coming back to parent case to finish that one stage in parent case.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Use Wait shape in the parent case. Add the wait shape after spinning off child case. In the wait shape use case dependency and wait until the child case is resolved. Once the child cases is resolved parent case will resume.
Updated: 20 Feb 2018 2:24 EST
Thank you for answering my question , in wait shape which case name should we give in "cases of type" field and in "scope" field what if current case means?
Pegasystems Inc.
HI Shridhevi,
The value for "Cases of type" should be the child class name.
Current Case-- Processing searches all cases within the current case type and all its descendants when trying to fulfill a dependency
You have to include the wait shape immediately after you spinoff the child case in the flow.
You can refer the following article,which explains in detail:
Sowndhar S
Pegasystems Inc.
Please try using AllCoveredResolved Ticket on the parent, where-ever it has to resume, after all children cases are resolved.
Once the child cases are created, we can call a wait shape that runs forever and the all covered resolved ticket breaks the wait when the last child case gets resolved.
Thank you for answering my question , one small doubt where to include the wait shape. In parent case or child case or after which step?
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Shridevi,
Wait shape is on the parent after creating the child cases.
AllCoveredResolved is also on the parent, once the last child gets resolved, the pycovercountopen on the parent page gets decreased to 0.
That is when the shape on which the AllCoveredResolved ticket is present, that controller will be invoked there. (On the parent.)
Hope this helps.
Genext Students Ltd