
Last activity: 29 Apr 2020 0:47 EDT
Restricting assignments offline mobile app
Hi all
I wish to restrict the users from working on certain assignment from their worklist from offline mobile app on an offline enabled case type. I want that particular assignment to be performed from desktop/online due to heavy integration dependency.
Any thoughts on how to restrict user access to that particular offline assignment in the app?
Pega Version: 8.1.2
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Product and Version***
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 29 Apr 2020 0:47 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Tarun ---
This looks like a case design issue to me, not a visibility issue. What you really need is to avoid having these assignment sent to the mobile device.
Out of the box, D_pyUserWorklist is used to display the assignments on the mobile device. This is sourced from the pyUserWorkList. If your mobile operators are only used for mobile (this is usually the case as the mobile portal needs to be the default for these operators), you need a way to exclude these assignments from the report definition. I believe the pxFlowName property can assist with this.
If you prefer to use visibility, then you could use the combination of the values of pxFlowName along with the pyIsHybridClient When rule. This When rule identifies if the client is a Hybrid application, i.e. offline mobile.
Hope this helps!

Blue Rose Technologies
1. One option is not to show the assignment in mobile work list. You can apply filter logic only for mobile (if pxRequestor.pxDeviceType = phone).
2. If you want to show the assignment in mobile work list but restrict users working on that, you can add logic wherever required for same condition (if pxRequestor.pxDeviceType = phone).
Tarun Kumar Reddy Bolla

Thank you Shyju.. My scenario is specific to offline mobile. Is there a condition I can use for detecting offline mobile? If yes, then yeah I could use a condition like below on the worklist report
!{Mobile is offline} || !{RestrictOfflineAccess}
Accepted Solution
Updated: 29 Apr 2020 0:47 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Tarun ---
This looks like a case design issue to me, not a visibility issue. What you really need is to avoid having these assignment sent to the mobile device.
Out of the box, D_pyUserWorklist is used to display the assignments on the mobile device. This is sourced from the pyUserWorkList. If your mobile operators are only used for mobile (this is usually the case as the mobile portal needs to be the default for these operators), you need a way to exclude these assignments from the report definition. I believe the pxFlowName property can assist with this.
If you prefer to use visibility, then you could use the combination of the values of pxFlowName along with the pyIsHybridClient When rule. This When rule identifies if the client is a Hybrid application, i.e. offline mobile.
Hope this helps!
Tarun Kumar Reddy Bolla

Good point MMIchalsk
I’ll see if we can use flow name or a custom flag in the case to control the worklist either by customizing the report definition or the data page..

Blue Rose Technologies
Hi Tarun,
Not sure if it will be useful for current scenario but we have below OOTB when rules also to check for mobile and offline. It might be useful in future.
pzIsOfflineEnabled - This checks pxRequestor.pzIsOfflineEnabled = "true"
and pyIsMobilePhone

Thanks Shyju and MMIchalsk
We have a separate allocation built on top of our application to handle Mobility customizations. So I’ve made this worklist data page update to include additional flag (.RestrictToOnlineOnly). Then the worklist dynamic repeat layout is customized to hide entries with this flag. This solves our requirement for now..
We could’ve filtered out those entries completely within the data page but there is another requirement that depends on the entries in user worklist to attach a child case dynamically to any case in user worklist. Hence we choose to add this flag..