
Posted: Jul 1, 2019
Last activity: Jul 4, 2019
Last activity: 4 Jul 2019 9:09 EDT
Mobile iOS app stuck in OFFLINE
Issue, including steps:
- Login to the native iOS app on iOS device, by user.
- Enter Airplane mode on your iOS device, all connectivity is disabled.
- A red bar with the Offline title appears in the iOS app.
- Create a new case, which is offline enabled.
- Check the Sync queue, offline case actions are succesfully queued.
- Exit Airplaine mode on your iOS device, all connectivity is enabled.
- The Offline bar does not dissapear, the Sync queue is not resolved.
- Exit the iOS app.
- Open the iOS app again, user has to login again.
- The iOS app appears to be online and the Sync queue is resolved.
- The iOS app succesfully goes offline, but not automatically comes online again.
- User has to login again, after closing the iOS app. Login at start was not enabled in the mobile settings of the iOS app when it was exported.