
Last activity: 9 Nov 2017 3:59 EST
Requirement on opening any operator ID form for an end user
Hi - I am having this requirement to implement.
Open any operator id form for a end user. however the end user should not be able to perform save/save as, Delete, Actions(refresh, search rule etc)...I am listing all op ids in a report definition and the RD is sourced on section. I have tried multiple actions like calling @baseclass.Show() activity, open rule action etc but nothing works.
using open rule, open rule by keys, open rule by name - but all these open the rules in RuleformHarness and all options are enabled(save/save as, Delete, Actions).
when trying to call activity, I don't see anything happening. however on the tracer I do see activity is getting called and HTML rule - Data-admin-operator-id.Show is also getting called.
any idea on how this can be achieved in OOTB.
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