
Citi Bank
Last activity: 18 Jul 2023 2:45 EDT
RepresentmentDate setting in two different fields for both VISA and MasterCard
For Fraud scenarios, When we get the Acquirer response which we got from Merchant, the Representment date is setting in different properties for both MasterCard and Visa.
For Master Card Fraud scenario : the Acquirrer response date time is setting in "RepresentmentDate" property For Visa Fraud Scenario : the Acquirrer response date time is setting in "VCR_InitiatePrearbDateTime" property
Could you please explain why we are setting in different properties?
The issue we are facing is we need to show the representmentDate for both MasterCard and Visa in single report. Since they are setting in different properties, we are facing issue in reporting.
Could you please suggest any approch to show the representment Date in same column for both MC and VISA ?