
Kelly Services Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Kelly Services Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Kelly Services Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
Posted: Apr 9, 2018
Last activity: Apr 11, 2018
Last activity: 11 Apr 2018 0:01 EDT
Report optimization for performance
You have been asked to create a list report that displays the following information: -Assigned case worker (.pxAssignedOperatorID)
-Requestor (.pxCreateOperator)
-Request date (.pxCreateDateTime) -Due date (.DueDate)
-Assigned vendor (.VendorName) The report contains two filters:
-Return purchase requests with a status (.pyStatusWork) of open.
-Return purchase requests when a department (.Department) matches the user’s department (.pxRequestor.pyUserIdentifier).
Which property, if not optimized, has the greatest impact on report performance?
Department / .DueDate .pxRequestor.pyUserIdentifier .VendorName
May I know what would be the best answer for this question? I think it's Department but I am not sure. Thanks