
Last activity: 16 Oct 2018 12:03 EDT
Issue with OOTB property Optimization for report
We are trying to optimize OOTB property i.e. pySelected saved in our ruleset version.
While optimization, it is giving following message "No Valid class in the hiererchy. Optimization cannot be performed for classes in this hierachy because of one or more of the following reasons:
- they are abstract or
- In a Pega shipped ruleset or
- mapped to either pr_other
- External table
In our case non of the above is true. then what is the issue.
Screen shots in attached document.
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Accepted Solution

Since I am not having any option other then creating new property to store the value of the OOTB property and use the new property in report. We are going with it.

Pegasystems Inc.

Thanks.........Link does not answer our query.
Please through our issue ad attachment.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rajasekhar,
From the screenshot , I can see that the pySelected is in the class Assign-Worklist , and this is a shipped Pega Class. As per my understanding , you can not optimize this property.
But it seems that you saved it in your ruleset version , so I am not sure this should work or not. Other members in the forum can comment further on this.
Thank you

Can someone provide solution for above issue

You Run Alter queries on the table and add the property in external class mapping.
Its not advised to optimize PEGA OOTB property in Assign-Worklist class.

Thanks Venkat.
I do agree, Its not advised to optimize PEGA OOTB property in Assign-Worklist class.
When I am using pySelected in report definition, it is showing under guardrail warning. What should be the best practice.

I do agree, Its not advised to optimize PEGA OOTB property in Assign-Worklist class.
When I am using pySelected in report definition, it is showing under guardrail warning. What should be the best practice

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rajashekar,
To avoid the warning,you can create a new property to store the value of the OOTB property and then use the new property in report.

Thanks Sarab.
Do we have any other best option............

Since OOTB Assign-worklist.pySelected is not optimized property, we are getting guardrail warning in report
Can someone suggest solution to avoid guardrail warning.
Thanks in Advance.......

Since OOTB Assign-worklist.pySelected is not optimized property, we are getting guardrail warning in report
Can someone suggest solution to avoid guardrail warning.
Thanks in Advance.......

Since OOTB Assign-worklist.pySelected is not optimized property, we are getting guardrail warning in report
Can someone suggest solution to avoid guardrail warning.
Thanks in Advance.......

Since OOTB Assign-worklist.pySelected is not optimized property, we are getting guardrail warning in report
Can someone suggest solution to avoid guardrail warning.
Thanks in Advance.......

Evoke Technologies
Hi Rajashekhar,
Since Assign-Worklist is a pega class, Pega is not allowing to optimize the property. But you can externally add the column by running an Alter script on the Database table which is in your case might be pegadata.pc_assign_worklist. By using connect-sql and Activity we can achieve this. I have tried this and the gaurdrail warning disappeared from the report definition.(also, column is visible in the modify schema of the DBtable)
However, it is not the best practice to externally add the column to Database if Pega does not allow for optimizing. someone can suggest whether we can proceed with this approach.
query used to add the column
ALTER TABLE pegadata.pc_assign_worklist
ADD COLUMN pySelected bool;
please find the attachment for the screenshots.

someone can suggest whether we can proceed with this approach

Since OOTB Assign-worklist.pySelected is not optimized property, we are getting guardrail warning in report
Can someone suggest solution to avoid guardrail warning.
Thanks in Advance.......

Since Assign-Worklist is a pega class, Pega is not allowing to optimize the property.
Since Assign-Worklist is a pega class, Pega is not allowing to optimize the property. But we can externally add the column by running an Alter script on the Database table which is in your case might be pegadata.pc_assign_worklist. By using connect-sql and Activity we can achieve this. I have tried this and the gaurdrail warning disappeared from the report definition.(also, column is visible in the modify schema of the DBtable)
However, it is not the best practice to externally add the column to Database ifPega does not allow for optimizing.
someone can suggest whether we can proceed with this approach

Since Assign-Worklist is a pega class, Pega is not allowing to optimize the property. But we can externally add the column by running an Alter script on the Database table which is in your case might be pegadata.pc_assign_worklist. By using connect-sql and Activity we can achieve this. I have tried this and the gaurdrail warning disappeared from the report definition.(also, column is visible in the modify schema of the DBtable)
Since Assign-Worklist is a pega class, Pega is not allowing to optimize the property. But we can externally add the column by running an Alter script on the Database table which is in your case might be pegadata.pc_assign_worklist. By using connect-sql and Activity we can achieve this. I have tried this and the gaurdrail warning disappeared from the report definition.(also, column is visible in the modify schema of the DBtable)
However, it is not the best practice to externally add the column to Database ifPega does not allow for optimizing.
someone can suggest whether we can proceed with this approach.

Since Assign-Worklist is a pega class, Pega is not allowing to optimize the property. But we can externally add the column by running an Alter script on the Database table which is in your case might be pegadata.pc_assign_worklist. By using connect-sql and Activity we can achieve this. I have tried this and the gaurdrail warning disappeared from the report definition.(also, column is visible in the modify schema of the DBtable)
Since Assign-Worklist is a pega class, Pega is not allowing to optimize the property. But we can externally add the column by running an Alter script on the Database table which is in your case might be pegadata.pc_assign_worklist. By using connect-sql and Activity we can achieve this. I have tried this and the gaurdrail warning disappeared from the report definition.(also, column is visible in the modify schema of the DBtable)
However, it is not the best practice to externally add the column to Database ifPega does not allow for optimizing.
someone can suggest whether we can proceed with this approach.

Since Assign-Worklist is a pega class, Pega is not allowing to optimize the property. But we can externally add the column by running an Alter script on the Database table which is in your case might be pegadata.pc_assign_worklist. By using connect-sql and Activity we can achieve this. I have tried this and the gaurdrail warning disappeared from the report definition.(also, column is visible in the modify schema of the DBtable)
Since Assign-Worklist is a pega class, Pega is not allowing to optimize the property. But we can externally add the column by running an Alter script on the Database table which is in your case might be pegadata.pc_assign_worklist. By using connect-sql and Activity we can achieve this. I have tried this and the gaurdrail warning disappeared from the report definition.(also, column is visible in the modify schema of the DBtable)
However, it is not the best practice to externally add the column to Database ifPega does not allow for optimizing.
someone can suggest whether we can proceed with this approach.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rajasekhar,
You can alternatively create an property for this purpose lets say (SelectedAppProperty) and optimize it.
Include this property in report.
Create a Declare Expression with condition "whenever used" and assign it to value = .pySelected.
In this way you don't have to add external column and your purpose would be served.

Thanks Ujjwal it is a work around solution, but When we use "whenever used" in Declare Expression, it is giving Pega guardrail warning.
It is equal to creating new property and updating with value. Similar solution suggested by Sarab in earlier communication.

Work around solution, but When we use "whenever used" in Declare Expression, it is giving Pega guardrail warning.
It is equal to creating new property and updating with value. Similar solution suggested by Sarab in earlier communication.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rajasekhar,
In that case it would be better to create a property and setting required value o it.

Thanks Ujjwal.....

Do we have any other option other then above mentioned.
Thanks in Advance.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Rajasekhar,
We dont have any OOTB way to achieve this because of his being a custom requirement by nature.
You need to have a custom Data Transform or Activity to achieve this and apply it to Preactivity of required flowaction.
Accepted Solution

Since I am not having any option other then creating new property to store the value of the OOTB property and use the new property in report. We are going with it.