
Last activity: 17 Feb 2021 10:12 EST
pxTransferAssignment OOTB Rule not found exception
Hi! Tell me please what I need to do to OOTB activity pxTransferAssignment can run without any errors?
I write activity with only one step: AssignmentID = "BVEB-LEGAL-WORK-LOANS LS-11873". Maybe I am specifying the wrong format?
I get an error "Failed to find a 'RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY' with the name 'OPENANDLOCKWORK' that applies to 'BVEB-Legal-Work-Loans-Deal-Signing'. There were 7 rules with this name in the rulebase, but none matched this request. The 7 rules named 'OPENANDLOCKWORK' defined in the rulebase are: 7 unrelated to applies-to class 'BVEB-Legal-Work-Loans-Deal-Signing', for example: 'Assign-'." but all the activities are located in Pera rulesets and all of them are piece of OOTB functionality and not customized.
Activity named OPENANDLOCKWORK Apply-To Assign- class but why is the system looking for it in BVEB-Legal-Work-Loans-Deal-Signing class? Or I need to call pxTransferAssignment from other StepPage and not from work object class?
Thanks in advance!
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Accepted Solution

So I found a way out for this problem.
And if I set values to parameter and not local variable it doesn't work. Thanks to all members for help!

Pegasystems Inc.
Looks like this activity is working with a "TransferWorkPage". Do you have such page created? What class are using for this page.
Can you trace it to better understand?

Hello and thanks for you answer! Maybe i have previous version of this activity, but it use newAssignPage as stepPage, but in activity stepPage is "assignPage" which is added on Pages & Classes tab.
A sequence of calls is
1) pxTransferAssignment
2) acquireWorkObject on newAssignPage (Assign-) stepPage
3) Try to call OpenAndLockWork on assignPage (Assign-) stepPage and get an error RuleNotFoundException
Also I attached tracer steps in zip archive.
When I add page named TransferWorkPage of "Work-" class and call pxTransferAssignment I get the same error. Tracer steps are also added in the attached archive

Also if I try to transfer assignment with parameter AssignmentID (pzInsKey) = "BVEB-LEGAL-WORK-LOANS LS-11873" in runtime pxObjClass = "BVEB-Legal-Work-Loans-Deal-Signing" and I get an error "Failed to find a 'RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY' with the name 'OPENANDLOCKWORK' that applies to 'BVEB-Legal-Work-Loans-Deal-Signing'"
But if I try to call pxTransferAssignment with parameter AssignmentID = "BVEB-FW-PRIVATE-WORK I-1" and in runtime pxObjClass = "BVEB-FW-Private-Work-Profile-Identify" I get an error "Failed to find a 'RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY' with the name 'OPENANDLOCKWORK' that applies to 'BVEB-FW-Private-Work-Profile-Identify'. There were 7 rules with this name in the rulebase, but none matched this request. The 7 rules named 'OPENANDLOCKWORK' defined in the rulebase are: 7 unrelated to applies-to class 'BVEB-FW-Private-Work-Profile-Identify', for example: 'Assign-'."
So maybe problem in parameter? Maybe I need to use some different format?

Pegasystems Inc.
The problem is coming from your newAssignPage. it isn't an Assign Page, the class is "BVEB-Legal-Work-Loans-Deal-Signing" where it should be "Assign-worklist" or "Assign-workbasket".
Your newAssignPage in fact contains WorkObject details which is incorrect.

Hi! Thanks for you answer!
Could you give me advice on what I can do to make the activity work without errors? Activity with newAssignPage is from OOTB functionality and I don't want to change it.
Thanks in advance!

Pegasystems Inc.
What OOTB functionality? A newAssignPage should never contains WORK class.

Hi! But I think that I need to set AssignmentID in pzInsKey of my workobject. So tell me please which key i need to set to AssignmentID parameter if I work in activity for Service-SOAP rule. I use Obj-Open method to open my workobject which is stored into Work class. Lokk at the last post at this article from me please and tell me you opinion about. Thanks!

Pegasystems Inc.
Opening the WorkObject will not sufficient to transfer the assignment. You need to open both, your WorkObject with class inheriting from Work- on page like pyWorkPage and the assignment with class inheriting from Assign- on a page like newAssignPage.
Looking into your provided details, I feel like the WorkObject has been open into newAssignPage directly which is incorrect.

Can you try as mentioned below.

Hi Gayatri and thank you for you help! But it didn't work.
But I think if newAssignPage is the page of Assign- class so maybe I can set a parameter value equal to "ASSIGN-WORKBASKET BVEB-LEGAL-WORK-LOANS LS-11826!DOCUMENTSPACKAGEASSEMBLING" because this is value of pzInsKey field from PC_ASSIGN_WORKBASKET table. And it works, but I don't know how I can manually collect values for this pzInsKey format from pyWorkPage.
Well ok. Maybe... "ASSIGN-WORKBASKET " + .pxLockHandle + " " + .pyID + "!" + pyWorkPage.pxStageHistory(<LAST>).pxProcesses(<LAST>).pxProcessName
What you can say about this? Tell me your opinion on this option please
Thanks in advance!
Accepted Solution

So I found a way out for this problem.
And if I set values to parameter and not local variable it doesn't work. Thanks to all members for help!