
Citicorp Services India Pvt Ltd
Last activity: 12 Dec 2022 12:42 EST
Purpose of SLA: AwaitingOutboundPreArbRespSLA
Once we create a case and the case moves into Awaiting Pre-Arb response stage. The case will sit in a workbasket awaiting for Pre-Arb response from Mastercard.
The SLA PegaCard-Sd-Dispute-MC- ID: AwaitingOutboundPreArbRespSLA RS: PegaCardSdMasterCard:07-42-86 Deadline duration is set to 35 days.
Once the 35 days duration is completed, the .PreArbOutboundAutoReject is set to ‘N’ and no other action is happening to the flow PreArbitrationOutboundForMCOM based on the SLA. What is the exact purpose and action that will happen post the SLA deadline duration of 35 days ?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***