
Virtusa Pte Ltd
Last activity: 28 Oct 2018 21:36 EDT
Property Name— This is not a valid property, or this is a property that cannot be used here.
I am required to do as following:
Using Designer Studio,create a report definition to add the following fields in the order listed below:
1) State
2) Membership type
3) Service type
4) Service provider
5) Case ID (show data as count)
6) Service Cost (show as average)
Attached is the Data Model from 2 case types. Assistance Request & Service(child case). Also, is the report definition error indicated.
I had only tried adding the ServiceCost with the created page name but were not able to do it. I had optimised the property but still has the same error.
May I know what is the reason for this?
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***