
PT Anabatic Technologies Tbk
Last activity: 24 May 2023 23:45 EDT
This is not a valid property, or this is a property that cannot be used here.
Hi All,
I have an extract rule (BIX) in my project implementation, and I want to add a property for the filter in the extract rule. but I have a problem when I add the property to the filter extract rule with an error message like this "This is not a valid property, or this is a property that cannot be used here".
for additional detailed property information that we want to add, currently the ruleset is different from the extract rule (BIX). for example property A in ruleset : ABC-01-01-01 And the extract rule (BIX) is in the ruleset: ABCDE: 01-01-01 but we have also made changes to equate the rulesets in both rulesets and it still doesn't work.
do you have any suggestions or input regarding this problem?
please help and advice.
Thank You, Rizky