
Last activity: 27 Jun 2022 12:16 EDT
I have problem in my instance 'Property name— This instance already exists'
I have problem in my instance, i try to add new field 'Request updates' and i get the following error

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Arvind Mandra miko angelo coronado Ramoji Prasad Polamarasetty Mohamed Elsayed Richelle Ann Puraso -
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 27 Jun 2022 4:35 EDT

Ernst & Young
@ArvindM64. So it has been a few months since you reported this issue. Looks like they may have fixed it now. I got the same error initially. In addition to deleting the field from the view, I went to the data model (next to workflow) and deleted the field from there as well. Then it worked and it allowed me to add a field with the same name (but with a different type) again.

Pegasystems Inc.
Maybe this property name has been used already. Have you double checked from Dev Studio? I guess it is anly with this specific name right?
What platform version is it?

@MarcLasserre_GCS I have the same issue. I created a field that references a Data object, then I deleted the field from everywhere, but am unable to create the field again. It shows the error when trying to create it.
It's almost like there's a field lurking somewhere and you cannot recreate it again even if it's deleted.

@ArvindM64 Have you figured out how to update/change field name with "error" stopping you?
Updated: 10 Jun 2021 8:00 EDT

@JaieCress Nope, I looked in the Dev studio as well and deleted any instance found. It still didn't work. I just wasted a few days trying to fix, nothing worked. Finally, I just wiped our the entire instance, created a new instance and started over. It was painful but worked. The lack of support and these things make me skeptical towards using Pega.
Riadh BEN GHARBIA Jorike Langerman Jolien Gay
Accepted Solution
Updated: 27 Jun 2022 4:35 EDT

Ernst & Young
@ArvindM64. So it has been a few months since you reported this issue. Looks like they may have fixed it now. I got the same error initially. In addition to deleting the field from the view, I went to the data model (next to workflow) and deleted the field from there as well. Then it worked and it allowed me to add a field with the same name (but with a different type) again.
Pranay Teddu Alejandro Aguirre Loria Mrunal Bhangale Richelle Ann Puraso Sanjay B

Pegasystems Inc.
I faced same issue but I could avoid the error deleting the data class by using Refactor tool and recreated them.

@BoubakerA1141 @MarcLasserre_GCS
I'm also facing the same error.
But for me i cannot see a duplicate one. Can you help me to resolve the error??
I'm not able to proceed with my Pega Academy training also. Looking for your support.

IT Future
I had the same problem. It is possible that the property hasn’t been deleted properly. Instead, it has been withdrawn and still exists. Create a data transform under the same class and reference the deleted property. Try if you can open the property rule form from there to delete it.
Updated: 27 Jun 2022 12:15 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@JayaramV9321 this post is over a year old and we believe the suggestions above will have resolved the problem. I will therefore close this thread.
Your question appears to be slightly different. If this is for Pega Academy, could you please log a new forum question and provide the full details?
Our Training team will be able to check to see if you can reset your VM instance if required.