Last activity: 1 Jun 2021 10:10 EDT
Previously accessed Work object opens unprompted
With Pega 8.5.2 and Cosmos we find sometimes if we open a work item in the User portal and then close the tab or logout without explicitly closing the case, that work object reopens when the user launches the portal again.
This would be merely annoying except that it will attempt to open even if the portal's launching application is a different app. At this point the user is frozen with the transparent pane over the screen.
This also happens with the switch apps widget. We were able to mitigate this by enhancing the switch to redirect to the Application URL Alias along with the correct access group.
Likewise specifying an Application URL Alias from our SAML SSO's default relay state mitigates most issues launching upon login. It's not 100%, though.
Anyone have a guess what this unsolicited reopen is about?