Popup (Local Action) is not getting disappeared correctly based on a boolean value .
Hi , I have a button called as 'Register' in my section . On 'Register' there's a local action (Overlay) which pops up another section (i.e. Registration) having two buttons i.e. 'Mobile' & 'Email' . Now on click of 'Mobile' there is another popup (Modal-Dialog) that opens up for Mobile no. Verification .
The requirement is, when I click on mobile , then the Registration Section(i.e. Popup having Mobile & Email buttons ) should disappear and Mobile verification section should popup at the same time.
Approach that I have tried :
Created a property 'IBSFlag' ,
On click of Register , I am setting it's value to true
and on click of Mobile ,I am setting it to false .
In Registration section , on the layout containing the Mobile and Email button , Applied a visibility condition 'IBSFlag == true' .
Issue : When I am clicking on register , no issues . But the moment I am clicking on Mobile button , the new pop-up(Mobile No. Verification) opens up correctly but the old one that is Registration is not completely disappeared , an empty small vertical box is there . Kindly see the attached file having Screenshots for more clarity .
Kindly suggest any other approach to get that section completely disappeared .
Thanks in advance
(Doc file attached)
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