
BPM Company
Last activity: 27 Apr 2021 16:59 EDT
PegaMarketing 8.4.1 Campaign is not run properly
I'm trying to run a campaign in PM 8.4.1 but everytime i run i got an error in the strategy for each customer in the audience.
the error is only this: 2020-06-07 19:23:34,465 [ins], Partitions=[5]] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( mkt.offer.OfferBuilder) ERROR - validateProposition - Detected invalid strategy result with key: [/TesteIssue/TesteGroup/TesteAction]
There isn't any stacktrace or something else
I have success in one situation. Testing my campaign using a seed list
Based on this test I believe the error is related to something in the background and not with my artifacts
Have you had this error?
Thanks & Regards