
Highmark Health
Last activity: 17 Aug 2017 3:45 EDT
Pega7.2.2 Multi-Tenant Questions
Hello! I installed Pega7.2.2 with the Multi-Tenant options enabled. I can't find the Multitenancy Administration Guide for Pega 7.2.2. I can only find the Admin Guide for Pega7.1.9. I was expecting to see Designer Studio > System > Tenant Management, but it's not there. The user does have the role - PegaRULES:MultiTenantAdmin. How do I get started with the Multitenancy in Pega 7.2.2? Thanks!
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 22 Jan 2020 1:57 EST

Highmark Health
I figured out the answer to my own question. The DB schema that was generated for this environment was a non multi-tenant schema. I guess you could say I found a bug - installing a multi-tenant system in a non-multi-tenant database.
I re-ran the install with the right schema and I see the options to create tenants now.

Pegasystems Inc.
If you login as [email protected], do you see the 'Tenant Management' menu (you should see that)?
Here is what I see OOTB:
Also your 7.1.9 MT guide should apply for 7.2.2 for the most part.
Updated: 22 Jan 2020 1:57 EST

Highmark Health
Hi Kevin,
I do NOT see the Multi-Tenant option like you show. I've attached screen prints for you to see what is displaying.

Pegasystems Inc.
Strange, so this is newly installed MT system and this has never worked? Show me the screen Records>>SysAdmin>>System and click the system name. Mine looks like so:

You could try
1. Log in with your MT admin user
2. Before using the menu, start Tracer
3. Now click on the Designer Studio menu
In the resulting trace, check if the pyHasAccessToMTRestrictedRules when rule returns true or false.
Updated: 22 Jan 2020 1:57 EST

Highmark Health
Ok. Here is what I noticed. The pyHasAccessToMRTestrictedRules is True. The pzISMultiTenant nad pyIsMTAdmin are both FALSE. Tracer screen print is attached.
I do not have a systemname - pega722mt. The default system name is - pega. It is not a mulit-tenant system.
Here is part of the log from the install - emphasis mine:

Thanks for verifying.
I think the pyIsMTAdmin returning false is stopping the menu item from getting displayed.
This When rule is an accumulation of 3 different checks.
For test purposes, can you try saving this to one of your open rulesets (giving it a name IsMTAdminDebug).
Then test each of the 3 conditions individually (remove the other two) and see which returns false?

Pegasystems Inc.
Before diving in to the detailed investigation, can you confirm the OOTB operator [email protected] does work?
Updated: 22 Jan 2020 1:57 EST

Highmark Health
I was at the PW17 Conference, so I am getting back into this. I have attached a screen print of the pyHasAccesstoMTRestrictedRules. Looks like it will return false. I thought that this may be easier than testing each scenario.
Updated: 22 Jan 2020 1:57 EST

Highmark Health
In looking at the PegaRULES.log file after the server was started, I noticed this:
ClassMap using multi-tenant environment: false
Looks like the environment does not recognize it is multi-tenant - even though I selected that option during the install.
Any ideas would be helpful. If I re-install pega722 from scratch - I could end up where I am now.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 22 Jan 2020 1:57 EST

Highmark Health
I figured out the answer to my own question. The DB schema that was generated for this environment was a non multi-tenant schema. I guess you could say I found a bug - installing a multi-tenant system in a non-multi-tenant database.
I re-ran the install with the right schema and I see the options to create tenants now.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Fred,
Just to be clear, you're saying that there seems to be a bug that allows you to perform an installation of a multi-tenant system on a schema that was not generated for multi-tenant configurations. Is that correct?
If that's the case, did you notice any errors in the installation log?