Multi-tenant server memory management
When an MT server creates a tenant, how is the memory for each tenant allocated? For example, if I have an MT server named paex32, and I have tenants named paex32a1, paex32a2 and paex32a3, how are these tenants being allocated memory? If paex32 has 15 GB or RAM and a permanent generation configured to be 1024 MB, does that mean paex32a1, paex32a2 and paex32a3 end up with a permanent generation of less than 1024 MB each (divided equally)? What happens when there are 500 tenants? Does that mean the permanent generation gets smaller and smaller for each tenant when more tenants are created on the MT server?
***Updated by Moderator: Lochan. Removed user added Ask the Expert tag. Apologies for confusion, shouldn't have been an end-user option; updated categories***