
Last activity: 4 Nov 2024 7:07 EST
PEGA v8.8.5 Installation Location?
I have installed PEGA version 8.8.5 in windows 10 which is present in a virtual machine on Azure, installation is completed also I could see the tables under the pegadata, pegarules are getting updated, but I am unable to find the installation location. Personal Edition allows you choose the desired location.
Need the location to update the context.xml and to update tomcat with war files.
Other information might be helpful:
1) Trying to install PEGA in virtual machine hosted on Azure.
2) Using Postgre SQL v17.
3) Using Tomcat v9.0
4) Downloaded PEGA v8.8.5 from Organization portal (My Pega)
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***