Pega Toggle best practices and limitations
Can anyone share any Pega Toggle best practices from experiences?
And, any limitation or pitfall?
Can anyone share any Pega Toggle best practices from experiences?
And, any limitation or pitfall?
Accepted Solution
@Will Cho Yes i can share , We created a toggle inside customer service application of Pega. Few toggles which our team created while developing CS application , I am just picking one toggle for example. on navigation you can see toggles created by pega OOTB. Toggle : Setting the toggle for configuration set use (Pega Customer Service) Navigation : click Configure > System > Release > Toggles. While creating those toggles just we need to take care of when rules should be created correctly with correct RS in sync with toggle application level . Take care about application level too while creating the toggles. Toggle works for whole application so u need to logoff and login before on/off the toggles too. while on/off the toggle it also asks to do it for which access groups so while creating toggle please keep in mind those settings can't be changed.
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