Pega Pulse between User Group
We have a requirement to implement pega pulse between user groups.
Ex: U1 ----- Reports to ---- > Manager 1, U2 ----- Report to --- > Manager 1.
Note: Both users belongs to same Manager 1. Each user will post a message to a manager but manager should see all the messages posted by his team. Users cannot see messages of each other.
There are two design approaches to this:
Approach 1: One to have a private message post by every user. Pros: It works. Cons: Everytime user has to manually select the manager which is extra click action.
Approach 2: Two have a space for every (user+Manager) pair. This will add more spaces for the users. Again, there should be someone who should maintain the spaces.
Trying: I was trying to leverage the context parameter of pxFeed section. If I give the context as the Manager name in pxFeed and create a feed source based on a API D_pxPosts ( Passing the context). But this is not working and it is showing all the messaged posted by both the users(U1 and U2). Am I missing something here?
What could be best approach to fulfill this requirement? Any suggestions on this.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****