
NTT Data
Last activity: 16 Oct 2018 7:06 EDT
Pega PCS- What tables needs to be updated-using load excel file and update Variation/Exclusions
Attached File Upload screen for reference, in the attachment you can see OOTB option to upload benefit, policy extra via excel, not available for variation/exclusion.
I am using Pega7x with Pega PCS 7.3 and 7.2.2 , OOTB provided options to upload Benefit, Policy extra via excel file upload , but OOTB did not provide any option to upload variation/exclusion/limit via excel , I want to write my own custom code to read file and upload variation/exclusions via excel file data ,my question is what are the properties needs to be in excel and what are the tables need to be update?
***Moderator Edit: Vidyaranjan | Updated SR details ***