Last activity: 8 Nov 2018 0:53 EST
Need to update Pega Stage and steps UI
We need to customise Pega Stage and Steps UI for our requirement. We need change the color, spacing and shape of Pega Stages and Steps.
We are using Pega version 7.2.2
Below are changes needed:
1. Space between Stages needs to be increased to match space between steps
2. Tick mark on Stages/Steps has to be moved to middle of the stage/step
3. Color of label past, current and future Stages/Steps has to be different (White for past/current & Black for future stage/steps)
4. Shape of the first and last stage/step has be altered (Triange shape)
Please refer the images. We need to make it to look like in second image
Any help is greatly appreciated!
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***