
Infosys Ltd
Last activity: 18 Sep 2018 23:45 EDT
We are generating Excel file using activity 'MSOGenerateExcelFile'. We have used binary-file. Now we need to attach generated excel file to Workobject automatically. Kindly help
In activity we are putting the data on one pagelist and passing that data to activity 'MSOGenerateExcelFile'. So excel file is successfully getting generated.
Now we need to attach this generated file to work object automatically.So we have followed the below steps after calling 'MSOGenerateExcelFile'
1) Step6- call activity Call pzInitAttachContent
2) Step7- Setting important properties on page 'dragDropFileUpload' of class 'Code-Pega-List'. We are setting properties like pyNote, pyFileName, pyCategory, pyFileType, pyPageName and pyFileSource
3) Step8 - property set on page 'pyWorkAttach' for property .pxAttachName = "SurveyResponse.xlsx"
4) We are calling the activity Call Work-.pzSaveAttachments
Now the main challenge is which value we need to set in 'pyFileSource' property. I think we need to provide Base 64 encoded string here. Does anyone has idea about this?