
Philips Home Monitoring
Last activity: 19 Nov 2015 10:43 EST
In Pega 7.1.7 have One Operator in One Pega Environment that does not remember open screens / history any thoughts on why?
In one of my pega environments (Development) for one user (me) it is not remembering recent history or open tabs between sessions. Also pega6 under Operator preference there was a way to tell it remember screens but under Pega 7 that option is no longer there.
Steps to Reproduce
1.) Open Pega 7 in Dev under myself
2.) Do some actions and see recent history getting recorded
3.) open a few rules (checked out and not checked out)
4.) Log off Pega
5.) Log back in
6.) None of the open tabs are remembered and history is empty.
Attempted Solutions
under Operator preferences I reset to default preferences -->tried again same results.
Tried on difference client machines same results
Operator has same Access Groups and permissions as other users.
Reviewed the article: and did not find any information on how the operator preferences have changed from 6.0 to 7.0