Pega 7.1.7 - How to populate History Table's PYSUBSTITUTIONVALUES Column?
I want to store a specific property value populated in a case into the history table's pySubstitutionValues column. When History-Add is triggered, i think that PegaProComUtilities • AddHistory function is called. I see a function parameter namely "myPageToEmbed". In my opinion, if i populate myPageToEmbed page somehow, additional values automatically write in a pySubstitutionValues column according to written java code inside of AddHistory function . However, out of the box History-Add method which is called from an activity can not include a myPageToEmbed so is it possible to pass a myPAgeToEmbed parameter via History-Add?
In addition, I'm appreciate to know your worth-while suggestions/approaches in order to achieve this requirement.
Thank you.