
BNY Mellon
Last activity: 24 Sep 2018 12:57 EDT
Pega 6.3 OOTB Report Help / Issue due to locked RuleSet
Hi All,
We are attempting to Create/Edit OOTB Reports in Development Region using the "New" and "Edit Report" functions. However, we keep getting errors stating cannot save instance due to locked ruleset version 01-01-01 (more details in the screenshots attached).
We have already promoted version 01-01-01 to higher versions all the way to PROD, and are now trying to do the reporting piece in version 01-01-02 in DEV.
Could someone please assist with help finding the root cause and advise if anymore information is needed to assist? We have tried finding prior post on PDN to help assist with no results.
Thanks and Regards,
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****