
Tech Mahindra
Last activity: 8 May 2016 3:40 EDT
Issue with report defnition - pega 6.3 to 7.1.19 migration
After an application migrated from pega 6.3 to 7.1, i am facing an issue:
1) where ever report definition (RD), functionality was broken. At least i could not see results of a report in report browser.
2) RD rule content is appeared as text in designer studio too.
Please provide me your inputs.
Sorry,I cannot provide you screenshots.
Best regards,
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Satya,
A few questions:
-Was this and in-place upgrade or a migration upgrade?
-Do any of the out of the box Pega 7 Report Definitions work?
-Does your application rule, or any of your rulesets, still reference PRPC 6.3 ruleset versions?

Tetrasoft India Private Limited
Hi Satya,
Please refer below mentioned link once :

Do you have any exceptions in logs that you can share?

Tech Mahindra
Issue is resolved now.

Would it be possible to provide details on how it got resolved?

Hi @satyanarayana reddi,
I have same kind of issue, where i am using Datapages with RD as data source, for auto complete field, I don't see results been populated after case is been resolved.
However after sumbit, i see clipboard values. once i refresh that particular case / work object. i don't see the values populated / values been shown in clipbaord.
Could you please share the resolution, how you have resolved your issue.

Tech Mahindra
I could not get report definition (RD) results because one of select column in RD is of type 'text' (instead of varchar2) in database. Look like 'text' type is not supported in pega 7 where as pega 6.3 does.
How did i traced it?
I checked out a RD and added select columns one-by-one. Results were not displayed when i add the above field in RD.
Try run raw report definition and see if you can get results.

Tech Mahindra
Rajit - please suggest what should i do to support 'text' type sybase column for select fields in RD.

Thanks for the update @satyanarayan reddi.
In My scenraio, When i provide data source as Report Defination to Auto complete field, i don't see any issue. after submitting the work object and reopen the object i see values are getting rendered.
When i use Data page (which is associated with RD) as data source to Auto completed Field and select the result from dropdown. i see values been updated in clipboard, after sumbit and reopen the same work object i don't see those results in UI and Clipboard.
I have asked customer to check DB, he didn't find values to that properties in DB.
Customer is facing this issue after upgrading from 6.3 to 7.1.9 Version.
Let me know if you have any suggestion on this issue. I have requested customer to call activity with commit method on change of auto complete field. to know whether values are storing in DB or not with Data page configuration.

I don't think we ever tested with Sybase for all column types.