
Last activity: 27 Nov 2017 16:58 EST
Need help with PRPC 6.3 multinode issue with IHS
Hi ,
We have 3 nodes in our env and having issues to connect to two of the nodes. Below is our env details
App server: WAS 8.5.5
Http server : IHS 8.5.5
3 app nodes(A,B and C) and 3 IHS servers and F5, sticky session implemented at IHS level using jsession cookie.
Issue: When the first request is going to node A we are able to successfully login into the server, but if the first request is going to Node B or Node C the next request in the same session is going to a different node making it invalid and resulting in an error.
So when we have traced we understood that IHS is changing the clone id but not sure why. When we shut down node A and Node C we able to successfully login into Node B and same the case with Node C.
The same configurations are working in all non prod and Prod env, but in DR we have this issue.
We have verified that all the configurations are same as in Prod.
We are looking for some help if any other team has experienced similar issues, appreciate your suggestions or thoughts.