Passing User Metadata from Chat Client to Pega CS
We are implementing Pega chat with customer service for a client. In this use case, the end customer would login to the external webpage and would initiate a chat while being in an active session on the exterrnal system. This customer then clicks the chat and the agent gets the screen pop on Pega customer service.
The requirement is to pre load the customer information. To do this, the external webpage should send the customer ID and other identifying data to Pega when the screen pop happens. We were able to successfully integrate the chat , when the customer is logged off and there is no context in the exterrnal web page.
1) How do i pass the customer context from the external webpage where the chat client is embedded to Pega ?
2) Which rules would receive the context on the Pega customer service side ?
3) which rule should be modified to set the customer details, so that it shows up on the screen pop ?
I couldn't find any help article or documentation explaining how to pass the context from chat client. Can someone assist on how to do this ?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****