
Virtusa Consulting Services Private Ltd
Last activity: 23 May 2022 21:12 EDT
Passing customerID and accountNumber together in SimpleProcessOffer
We are upgrading to Pega marking CDH FS to 8.5 from Pega NBAFS 7.1. In Pega 8.5, we have to run offers with Context Dictionary. Context has to be on CustomerID & Account number passing parametrs for ProcessWSRequest. Here Genericoffer instance creates with AccountNumber as key. Generic offer Instances creation in earlier versions of Pega are forming with format as CustomerID:AccountNumber to keep the instances with unique key. When we try to do the same in 8.5, processing not able to determine the prmiary contact although the context dictionary set up is proper. The same is working fine when creating Genericoffer instances with CustomerID as key. However, we have some customers linked to multiple accounts / some accounts linked to multiple customers. We can not have the Genericoffer instances created with CustomerID as this is not going to be unique for offer deriving.
Solutions tried below
1. Customized the processWsRequest with different name in our application as this is a Final activity in 8.5. We are passing CustomerID in step 19.2 and secondary Context class as blank to keep the key as required along with other reuired parameters for SimpleProcessOffer activity.
2. Tried debugging offer processing keeping "com.pega.mkt.offer.OfferEngine" class in debug mode to see any errors, there is not much help here. No error displayed here.
We are upgrading to Pega marking CDH FS to 8.5 from Pega NBAFS 7.1. In Pega 8.5, we have to run offers with Context Dictionary. Context has to be on CustomerID & Account number passing parametrs for ProcessWSRequest. Here Genericoffer instance creates with AccountNumber as key. Generic offer Instances creation in earlier versions of Pega are forming with format as CustomerID:AccountNumber to keep the instances with unique key. When we try to do the same in 8.5, processing not able to determine the prmiary contact although the context dictionary set up is proper. The same is working fine when creating Genericoffer instances with CustomerID as key. However, we have some customers linked to multiple accounts / some accounts linked to multiple customers. We can not have the Genericoffer instances created with CustomerID as this is not going to be unique for offer deriving.
Solutions tried below
1. Customized the processWsRequest with different name in our application as this is a Final activity in 8.5. We are passing CustomerID in step 19.2 and secondary Context class as blank to keep the key as required along with other reuired parameters for SimpleProcessOffer activity.
2. Tried debugging offer processing keeping "com.pega.mkt.offer.OfferEngine" class in debug mode to see any errors, there is not much help here. No error displayed here.
3. Offer Initiation is working fine here. Determining offer and initiating Interaction, setting waitExpiry are working as expected.
4. The same configuration is not working when resuming the offers from ResumeGenericFlow, running via agent / stand alone using tracer.
5. There are no errors displayed with trace, no errors coming in logs as well. But, Genericoffer instance is failing to resume and it's having status as failed with error "Unable to determine the primary contact for this Offer"
Appreciate your help with in the below challenges
1. How can we have CustomerID and Account number together stored in Genericoffer instaces?
2. What are configuartions need to be changed ?
3. What are changes needed in ResumeGenericFlow agent activity to wake these offers from agent?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to added Capability tags***