AccountNumber column in work table removal
I want to enquire about Pega Smart Dispute for Acquirer (SDA) product’s view and recommendation.
As a part of SDA product I see AccountNumber column is exposed in SD work table. In my institution it is security violation and/or Nonpublic personal information (NPI) issue to have AccountNumber column as direct visible (exposed).
I want to know if this column can be removed as exposed and it will still be part of data in work table blob (pzpvstream) column?
How we can able to confirm if this ‘AccountNumber’ column can be removed as exposed and there will not be any impact for Acquirer dispute case processing.
Another alternative I need to see, if this column cannot be removed is, can we able to change the data type of this column in database. Currently it is set as Number(25). Attaching the screenshot. With dataType change, I then thinking to encrypt the AccountNumber which then will need to hold alphanumeric characters.
Can we able to change it to varchar without having any impact to SDA dispute case processing?