Cognizant Technology Solutions India Private Limited
Last activity: 26 Jan 2016 8:09 EST
In our application we want to upgrade PegaFSSCM from 6.1 to 7.1.2
In our application we want to upgrade PegaFSSCM from 6.1 to 7.1.2. Application also has FSIF 7.1.1 and the PRPC is getting upgraded from 6.1 to 7.1.8.
What are the major feature changes on the following aspect
1)Ruleset stack we are seeing some changes, few existing rulesets which are related to financial services(FSIP) are now being directly referred from PegaFSIF which was earlier mentioned in the stack for PegaFSSCM.
Few new are added related to decision making / new services etc in the ruleset stack of pegaFSSCM 7.1.2
Please provide some more detailed discussion on the ruleset stack changes/impacts...
2)Change in work process - Is PegaFS-SCM-Data-Program changed to PegaFS-SCM-Data-ProgramDetails?
Is PegaFS-SCM-Work-Mit changed to PegaFS-SCM-Work-Mitigation?
3)Data model changes
4)UI is likely to be impacted as it has been upgraded to use pega 7 features as per implantation guide.