
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd
Last activity: 28 May 2018 3:16 EDT
Options to Call Correspondence from SendEmailNotification Activity
Hi All,
What are all options that are available to send emails with a correspondence rule using SendEmailNotification Activity?
Any suggestions?
Note: CorrNew and SendSimpleEmail methods are not suitable for our specifications (i.e no work object are created and required cc option while sending the mails).
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Pegasystems Inc.
May I know what exactly is your requirement? Ideally, SendEmailNotification should suffice the use case of sending the email to the recipients including CC and BCC components.
If your use case is to send an email to the recipients by running the report on the scheduled time or through any other agent, you might want to set and populate all the required parameters to the page and invoke SendEmailNotification on that page as step page.
I can probably check and provide you the right activity or approach if the use case is shared.
Hope the above helps. Thanks.

Tata Consultancy Services Ltd
Thanks Madhuri for quick inputs.
I need to send email including cc and bcc options with a correspondence rule.
- Approach one – Successfully able to send emails with correspondence rule as a parameter (But no cc and bcc options available using SendSimpleEmail activity). I was not able to implement the logic using the CorrNew/NotifyAll activity, since I do not create any work object as part of the specification). Query – How to send the email using Cc and Bcc option using SendSimpleEmail activity? 2. Could I use NewCorr activity to send emails without Creating work object?
- Approach 2 - SendEmailNotification activity – I am able to send the mails “To List”, Cc and Bcc options. But I did not have an option to call the correspondence rules as a parameter Query – How to send the correspondence rule as parameter to the SendEmailNotification activity?
Any other suggestions please?

Pegasystems Inc.
Please check below link,it may help you.

Tata Consultancy Services Ltd
Thanks for the link. But passing of the correspondence rule into SendEmail*** or SendEmailNotification activties are not clear. If possible, could you please explain with an example. I am looking to pass the correspondence rule in Message parameter of this activties.
Jahnavi Dasari

Tata Consultancy Services Ltd
I am able to pass correspondence rule using Property-Set-Corr method in activity and pass the details as message parameter of calling SendEmail** or SendEmailNotification
For Example:
Step 1
PropertyName - .CaptureCorrespendence
CorrStream - CorrespendenceRuleName
CorrType - Email
Step 2
Set Param.Message == .CaptureCorrespendence
Call SendEmail** or SendEmailNotification
Pavan Chaitanya Yelusuri Will Cho

Tata Consultancy Services Ltd
For Quick reference:
How to use Correspondece rule with an activity like SendEmailWithAttachments?

Pegasystems Inc.
Apologies for delay in response due to unavailability.
Please let me know if you have any further queries on this.

Pegasystems Inc.
Corrnew utility calls sendemailnotification at some point of time.
If you want to use CC and BCC feature you can use Corrnew utility.
Follow the below steps for the same:
1. Open you flow.
2. Add a Utility shape in the flow based on your requirement when you want to send the email.
3. In the Rule field select CorrNew and provide all the values properly.
4. Make sure to give the correct party role.
Hope this helps.